Monday, September 7, 2015

The Damage Free Dorm Decorating DIY For The Classy Collegiate

 College has begun and everyone has moved from their rooms at home to the cold dorms that are provided on campus. The question I and I am sure many of you have asked is, how can I make my room not feel so not like home? I scowered Pinterest for countless ideas and gathered a few of my own. My biggest trial in all this was, I can not damage my walls. This makes personalizing my dorm a bit of a trial. I researched how to personalize without having to fork out the money for the damage at the end of the year. Here are my tips and results!

DIY Cinderella Shoes

Today, I am going to show you how to make Cinderella shoes. They are based off of the new Disney Cinderella with Lily Evans. I did make them for me, but I would probably make them for little girls, but who knows, you could do a fun Cinderella cosplay with these too!